
Hi - I'm Daniel. I help Shopify entrepreneurs build their dream store.
[ An open letter from Section Store - March 2024]
Helping small business owners design their store their way, at an extremely affordable cost has always been our mission.
Shopify was built for small business owners (although it’s so good that now everyone uses it), that don’t have huge budgets or in-house developers or designers.
But they still have something at heart, and usually a half clear vision of how they want their website to look.
It’s important to them, because it’s their universe and it’s the first chance to indulge a stranger into it.
I have made a dozen Shopify stores myself and it always perplexed me why there wasn’t an easier way to design my pages.
Sure I could buy a nice premium theme, but then I’d always end up getting stuck half-way through designing the home-page since I couldn’t make what I had envisioned.
Sure I could use a page-builder to complete my ideas, but it never felt native to have some pages done through a separate page builder and then integrate into Shopify, needless to say how hard it is to integrate other apps into.
Sure I can hire a designer on Fiverr and developer on UpWork, communicating my ideas clearly was just never my thing, I like to tinker with it myself to get it just right.
Out of all of these frustrations an idea for a simple Shopify section library started to unfold.
The idea seemed so simple, yet brilliant. Why had no one done this before…?
I would 1000% use it myself I thought. Was it too hard...? Would it take up to much of my time and not be enjoyable to code that many sections?
I felt unsure....
Was this really what I wanted I contemplated for months.
I had just moved to a new country and with less partying, family gatherings, birthdays and usual habits there I was with a lot of time at my hands.
I began to work.
And almost 2 years later and countless hours poured into this lovely project here we are with almost 500* amazing reviews on App Store and thousands upon thousands of happy customers that was looking for exactly the product I envisioned.
This is a heartfelt thank you to everyone who’s been using my app and helped contribute to more amazing and affordable Shopify sections by supporting with a purchase.
We could not have done it without you.
This is not a goodbye, this is to look back at the original vision and make sure we’re still steering the boat in the right direction.
Be assured that we are.
And be assured this it's gonna stay non-subscription as long as I’m steering it.
At this day of writing we’re at 235 sections and we’re not about to slow down or slack at the quality.
This is still the beginning.
Thank you thank you thank you <3